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    Description Reviews Video Bike Fitment


    SP Cable USB-A SPC+

    Weatherproof cable to power your inductive charger (SPC+).

    With the Cable USB-A SPC+ you can easily power your inductive charger on the motorcycle via an existing USB-A connection. This way your cell phone has enough power for navigating, tracking and listening to music even on longer journeys.

    Simply plug the USB-A connector into your USB outlet and connect the USB-C connector to the charging module or anti-vibration charging module port. The cable length is 50 cm (19.685 inches).

    Please note: Unplug the charger when not in use for a long time to avoid draining the battery. To connect the Wireless Charging Module directly to a motorcycle battery, we recommend our SP ConnectTM Cable 12V DC SPC+.


    • 50 cm cable for the Charging Module / Charging Anti Vibration Module
    • Weatherproof jack

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